+1.8609224156  •  South Windsor CT. 06074

Copyright © Todd Silber. All rights reserved.

 During Website Revamp and Overhaul, please follow me on FB for updates and project completions.   (Click the Facebook link in top right corner). Or as always, you can call, shoot me an email, or even use the new contact feature to the bottom right for any questions on products,  availability, or inquiries for custom orders. Don't forget to Come visit Warlords Crusade at one of our Shows/Faires. Thank you again for all the support!

Handcrafted Quality

Recently Completed, first of its Kind, "Emperors Armor".

I started this project 13 months ago. A lot of inspiration went into this piece.  While still maintaining full mobility and a Medieval Theme, I wanted to portray some of the hobbies and passions that have been with me, and that I have enjoyed through out my life: Serpentor, Emperor of Mankind, Witcher Series, And R.A. Salvators Demon Wars Saga, to name a few. More pics can be seen on my FB page, just follow the link in the top left. -Todd S.

 Hand Crafted, Durable Wares for all your needs. Specializing in Historical themed Armor for Screen adaptation, Film/Theater Production, live steel/SCA Combat, or to just look Great at a faire or CON.

Warlords Crusade Armor